Roes Wil

Wil Roes

Country: Czech Republic
Organization: Person Center z.s.

Short CV

Roes Wil. I got my PCA training in Germany and France. I have worked as a therapist, supervisor and trainer in France and Czechia. My interest in bodywork and Focusing brought me to develop my own approach of listening to clients through touch. All my approach is deeply embedded in PCA.

I am married and have 4 children and 3 grand-children.


Title: Listen to the voices of your body

In this workshop we will discover in praxis how to be present and in contact with the client using physical contact or bodywork approach. Physical contact is another, powerful way to connect with the client and help them to discover their own path to growth.

Bodywork helps the therapist to focus more on the person and less on the narrative or symptoms of the client. The therapist is expected to only accompany the process growing in the client, creating a safe space for the client, sensing tentatively to what is happening here and now in them. Τhe client might be helped to listen to their own process and expression of their inner self, instead of translating their inner world to another person through mental effort.

After a short introduction about the process, the sense and the application of the bodywork approach, participants will exercise in pairs in new ways to be present to a client without words, only by physical presence and, if useful and accepted, by touch.