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Organising the Symposium

The in-person Symposium will be held in two separate buildings in the heart of Athens: the Ionic Centre and the Athens University History Museum [link to Venue page].

The ‘Home groups’ and ‘Roundtable and community meeting’ are available only to those attending the Symposium in person. The ‘Home groups’, in general, are an opportunity for participants to come together to choose and discuss ‘themes’. The ‘Roundtable and community meeting’ is an opportunity for the whole community to come together and meet with each other, without specific agenda, except for all the necessary informations and/or announcements. More details will be put here soon regarding these kinds of meetings.

The Role of the Committees

Below you will see members of the two committees who have worked with the Hellenic Focusing Center and the Board of PCE Europe [link to Hosts] to plan the Symposium.

The Local Organising Committee members have designed the Symposium, putting together a programme of speakers, informal groups, workshops and community gatherings where we might together feel inspired to explore the Symposium theme. [link to Programmepage]

e-mail: pcesymposium2023@gmail.com

The Scientific Committee is drawn from the broader European PCE community as well as from Greece and have offered input on various topics. They will review the short presentation and workshop proposals.

e-mail: sci.com.pcesymposium23@gmail.com

We all look forward to welcoming you
to the 5th PCE Symposium, in Athens, in person.

Local Organising Committee

(more members of the local organising committee will be added soon)

Scientific Committee