Joint presentation: PCE Europe & WAPCEPC

Title: PCE Europe and WAPCEPC – Working together to promote the polyphony of person-centred and experiential approaches in a changing world


This joint presentation will highlight the work of PCE Europe and WAPCEPC, two organisations which are committed to supporting and promoting the polyphony of person-centred and experiential approaches in a changing world. Over the last quarter of a century, both organisations have been involved in furthering the humanisation of interpersonal and social relationships in individual, societal and cultural life, especially in the areas of counselling and psychotherapy. We are excited to share with you what we have to offer, and what our visions are for the future. The presentation will be an opportunity to engage with board members of both associations, to find out more about what the organisations do, how they operate, the work they are currently undertaking, the benefits of being a member, and how you can become involved.

PCE Europe

PCE Europe, the European Network for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling, was founded in 1998 on the occasion of the Annual Meeting of European Person/Client–Centred Organisations in Luxembourg. PCE Europe is the patron of this symposium and celebrates its 25th anniversary with this event.

PCE Europe will be represented by Leonore Langner, Paul Diaconescu, Ewa Kaczorkiewicz.


WAPCECP, the World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counseling, was founded in 1997 on the occasion of the Fourth International Conference on Client-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy (ICCCEP) in Lisbon, Portugal. In 2009, PCE Europe became a Chapter of WAPCEPC. Both organisations are not profit-oriented, politically neutral, nonreligious and non-denominational. They aim to further co-operation between person-centred and experiential associations, organisations, institutions and individuals both in Europe and around the world, and to engage in socio-political processes to ensure the continued contribution of the paradigm in health, social insurance, education, academic contexts.

WAPCEPC will be represented by Yana Gololob, Kyriaki Kentigjeleni.